The steps to Certification

Client RequestAn applicant seeking certification gets in touch with AfriCert and presents the request for the standard of interest.
InformationAfriCert hands out an information pack to the applicant containing, the standard requested for or certification requirements and an application form to fill in the required information.
NB: Applications for all the other schemes are handled by owners.
Application Review

  • All applications received by AfriCert are appraised for compliance
  • Incomplete applications are returned with advice to the client to fill in missing details or information
  • On receipt of all required information in the application, a quotation relevant to the requested standard is prepared and approved by the QMR using the information in the application and if agreed, inspection dates are proposed to the clients alongside other logistics
  • Terms of agreement are discussed and if favorable, a contract is signed between the applicant and AfriCert.
Onsite InspectionOnce all application procedures have been completed, the following is carried out.

  • A selected certification staff is provided with all necessary information related to the applicant’s operations
  • The allocated inspector carries out onsite inspection and reviews all the information and evidence available at the site.
  • The inspector shares the findings of the onsite inspection and communicates the next steps.
Post audit activities For cases where no non-conformities are raised, the certification decision is taken by the certification committee within the timelines stipulated by the standard owner. If non-conformities are identified, the client is allowed to resolve the gaps within the time stipulated by the standard owners. Corrective actions are sent to the inspector for review and a follow up inspection is done as applicable for the confirmation of the closure of gaps identified. Certification decision is taken by the certification committee and the certificate is issued.

Please find the application documents here

Find the overview of the EU Organic certification and Evaluation procedure here