AfriCert Rwanda office launch

The office in Nyarutarama M & M building was opened in August 2022 and officially launched on 17th November 2022. Janet Maundu was seconded to the office as the Country Manager and Lead auditor from February 2022 from the head office in Kenya. The chairman Mr. Zabby Chege was the guest of Honour. Also present were: Mrs. Agnes Mukakimenyi of Rwanda Development Board an export expert and advisor, Mr. Pascal Nkurunzinza of Equity Rwanda PLC, Mr. Kahoro Kinaro the first Counsellor at the Kenyan Embassy in Kigali, Mr. Charles Meso Company Lawyer. Clients present were: Rwanda Trading Company Mr. Valentin Hakizimana and John Karuru.
A cocktail was later held in the evening attended by clients, auditors, and guests from Rwanda, Burundi, Kenya, and Congo.
Presentations were done by Managing Director Mr. Anthony Nderitu and the Groups Chairman Mr. Zabby Chege who expressed their joy in opening the office which covers Rwanda, Congo, Burundi, Angola, and Botswana.
In Rwanda, we are the leading certification body with a coverage of 27 clients (67%) in tea factories and coffee washing stations.
In Burundi, we are the leading certification body with coverage of 4 clients (44%), and in Congo covering 2 clients (10%). We are covering Tea, coffee, Cocoa, and horticulture for different standards i.e Rainforest alliance, Café Practise, Organic EU, GlobalG.A.P., GRASP, 4C, CMiA, and BCI.
The cocktail presentations were from Rwanda Trading Company, Cyato Company, RWACOF, Consultants from Rwanda, and Silverback tea Company which represents the PFUNDA, Rugabano. Gisovu and Cotheegim. The clients were happy to have the office opened since they will be attended to promptly and by local auditors who understand the language and use of no translators and certification at affordable prices since flights and international auditor rates are not considered in the quote. In case of technical or administrative assistance, they are attended to promptly from the office in Rwanda. They were also happy with the professional services they receive from Africert since they started working with them form 2005.

In compliance with Chapter 4 of ISO/IEC 17065; Management of Impartiality AfriCert has a committee in place representing different interests as stated in ISO 17065, to be an independent external eye to critique our system and pinpoint any areas where there is potential to be a conflict of interest that would lead to a compromise on the impartiality in all our quality management system and operations.
L-R : Nicholas Kabare (TFM), Anthony Nderitu(AfriCert MD), Annalena Von Rhein (NKG), Paula Mejia (NKG), William Muthui (NKG), & David Kuria (AfriCert) during a meeting at NkG offices in Ruiru to firm up plans for rolling our NKG Verified Sustainability Code.
Download the sustainability report here
AfriCert is proud to officially communicate to you that we have now been qualified by UEBT to conduct the impartial and third-party assessments in its ethical sourcing system and natural ingredient certification programs for Egypt, Ghana and Nigeria. See here: https://www.ethicalbiotrade.org/certification-bodies
UEBT and the Rainforest Alliance have developed a joint Herbs & Spices Programme. All ingredients certified under this new program will be able to carry the Rainforest Alliance certification seal.
With this partnership, we build on the positive track record of the UEBT/UTZ cooperation in herbal tea, the decades-long experience of the Rainforest Alliance and UTZ in sustainable agriculture certification, and UEBT’s expert knowledge of ethical sourcing of ingredients from biodiversity, including those ingredients collected from the wild.