The Company’s current range of approved certification services includes Certification for:
- Organic certification scheme (EU Compliance)
- East African organic product standard (EAOPS)
- RA 2020 Sustainable Agriculture Standard
- GLOBALG.A.P (Fruits and Vegetables)
- Common Code for Coffee Community (4C)
- The Union for Ethical Biotrade (UEBT)
We also do verifications for the following standards:
- Cotton Made in Africa (CMiA)
- CAFE Practices (Starbucks)
- Better Cotton Initiative (BCI)
* AfriCert Limited generates its revenue from the service fees charged on the audits and inspections it carries out
Gap Analysis
For farms that are starting the process of formulating their quality management system, AfriCert can perform a fact-finding visit identifying and reporting the gaps between the standards requirements and the current client’s method of operation.
This process is known as Pre-Audits step and is carried out before the certification process is initiated to identify problems that could prevent successful final certification.
Certification Audit/Inspection
This is carried out on-site and involves as a first step a thorough document audit (for producer groups this involves a QMS audit) before field inspection is carried out. Reporting is normally done after the audit to determine whether the audit was successful in fulfilling the requirement of the standard in question. If some gaps are realized non conformities are issued and the client/producer is expected to follow up with corrective actions so as to demonstrate full compliance.
If the corrective actions are not fully convincing a re-inspection can follow before the client is certified (issued with a certificate for certification scopes and approval or for other scopes).
Re-certification/annual audits
Re-certification audits examine all the system elements and activities during the year the producer/client held the certificate. Following successful re-certification the certificate is re-issued and the cycle of surveillance is repeated.